I order some parts on 1/4/21 a big box showed up on 1/20/21 and nothing on the box was anything that I ordered. It was all pedal making parts. Including:
- 5x 125B enclosures
- knobs
- resistors
- caps
- 2x PT2399
- 4x TL072
- LT1054
- 7805
- 2N3904
- LEDs and other diodes
- pots
- big bag of jacks
I’m like seriously someone was going to build a couple delays, Klon clone, and some other things, maybe a fuzz and a tube screamer variants. I recognize all these parts. Tayda was very they got back to me the next day and offered to ship my order.
Sadly these are all useful but not the parts I would use. I’d use 1590B over 12B, I would have ordered open jacks. I would ordered different knobs in different colors. All in all it was sort of a windfall.
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