This will be the fourth time I try to build one of these. I made a PCB for the original using the layout from GGG. I never finished this. Then I built and finished a second using the layout from I couldn’t get this to work. I forget what the problems were, it was more than a few years ago. Franciso Pena, of came up with a new and improved version that used 13600 in place of the 3080s. I built the first version of this. It was the most successful of the bunch. It worked pretty well but had two problems that I couldn’t seem to solve. With mine you could hear a ticking from the sample rate oscillator and the sweep switch refused to work in one direction.
Anyway, I found a sheet of PnP that I had printed sometime ago of Francisco’s second version of the FSH-1. I thought what the heck, might as well give it another try.
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