PedalPCB Terrarium

I put together a Terrarium from PedalPCB. Terrarium is a DSP platform that uses the Daisy Seed by Electrosmith. The Daisy Seed is like an Arduino Nano on steroids with audio super powers.

You can read the link above for a full run down of its features. Figure it’s a platform where you could build and experiment with DSP based reverbs, delays, filters, and other effects.

I have used Arduino but have not used Daisy Seed. At first look it seems there are several ways to go about programming and several community applications available to test it out.

The build process is easier than most pedals. The number of parts on the boards is minimal. The hardest part is getting the six pots and 4 switches aligned. I soldered the pots first by mounting them on the board, putting it all in the enclosure, tighten down the nuts and washers, then soldering. Then I took everything out put the switches on the board, put it all back in the box, added the nuts and washer, and soldered. Repeat for the LEDs. A little tedious but makes everything align correctly.





7 responses to “PedalPCB Terrarium”

  1. […] built the PedalPCB terrarium a few months ago. I Finally got around to installing some software and testing it out. I found this post on the […]

  2. Filip Storck Avatar
    Filip Storck

    Hello! My name is Filip, I was wondering if you could share what components you use? 🙂

    Thank you and your work is awesome! 😀

    1. admin Avatar

      I used the parts on the Terrarium build doc here: I ordered parts from and I ordered the Daisy Seed from: The whole project cost about $50. The Daisy seed is most expensive part, but you can repurpose it for other projects.

      1. Artdrou Avatar

        Hello, which capacitor type did you use for the 1uF? is it a mlcc like on the terrarium doc? It looks like a box type film capacitor. Can’t seem to find them anywhere…

        1. admin Avatar

          I used both! The MLCC types are smaller and fit the PCB better. I didn’t have enough of these on hand so I used some box type caps. Some of these might be too tall to fit under the Daisy Seed, do a test fit before you solder!

  3. Artdrou Avatar

    Thank you very much for your answer, I think I will do the same. I was a bit disturbed by the size of the footprint on the PCB (mentioned as mlcc), but film cap will do.
    I am a bit new to this, so I didn’t know of I could interchange cap types.

    1. admin Avatar

      Happy to help! In guitar pedals you can pretty much use any type of cap anywhere. It’s the value that matters. Changing the value is what makes an audible difference. Some people will claim there are differences between film or ceramic caps. I don’t believe this. I’ve never heard any difference that wasn’t explained by the difference in tolerance. Caps are often rated +/- 5-10%.

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