This pedal sounds so good I had to make another! Check out my first build and the build page.
I manufactured these boards at This board is posted at the PCBWay Shared service. You can order and build it for
I milled a gray powder-coated enclosure. It looked better than I was expecting. It’s got a nice utilitarian and designer look. Reminds me of the design work by Dieter Rams.
The board goes together well with all of the pots and LED mounted to the PCB, this minimizes wiring and gives everything a secure mounting.
I used some BC109 transistors in the metal cans. These are pretty cool and old school. This circuit should work with other NPN transistors. Use the baas trim pot to adjust.
Sadly I was out of matching knobs. I had to use three different knobs. Luckily I had three that almost looked the same.

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