Tag: Distortion
Titan Boost/Octave exploded
John Hollis Titan Boost/octave. It’s all built on a single pcb that includes all of the default wiring for the switches and jacks. The rest of the pcb is perf board.
Super Hard On clone
Another SHO. I don’t know how many of these I made.
D*A*M Ezekiel clone
D*A*M Ezekiel clone. I guess this is a Rat with a blend knot and some diode options.
Woolly Mammoth clone
Woolly Mammoth clone.
Fuzz Face Ge NPN
This is a NPN germanium Fuzz Face. It’s never sounded quite right I think the bias is off. Willl need to open this up and take a closer look.
IC Big Muff
Purple Sparkle ICBM.
Green Russian Big Muff clone
Green Russian Big Muff Clone. Everyone should build one of these.
Zen Drive clone
Zen Drive clone. Is this original boutique tube screamer?
Dead Astronaut FX Tremshifter. Tremolo and phase shifter in one pedal you betcha. Rate for each yep. An LED for each you know it.
D*A*M Meathead mini clone
D*A*M Meathead clone in 1590A enclosure.
Mother Fuzz
Mother Fuzz