Tag: Fuzz

  • Factory of FUZZ (fuzz factory clone)

    Factory of FUZZ (fuzz factory clone)

    I’m always looking for the cheapest way to build pedals. I found these boards on OSH Park.com. Besides being a service for prototyping boards it’s also an open source repository of projects uploaded by the community. A board uploaded to OSH Park marked public can be ordered by anyone. The search function is not so…

  • Milling some new enclosures

    Got the mill running last night and made a few enclosures for some new projects.

  • Haunting Mids project

    Haunting Mids project

    What’s Haunting Mids? Haunting Mids is a Big Muff variant. In a nutshell it’s the input buffer, and first two clipping stages from the regular Big Muff circuit. It drops the tone control and the output buffer of the original circuit. There are a few other changes in part values but the the circuit is…

  • Parentheses Fuzz postmortem

    Parentheses Fuzz postmortem

    What is it Parentheses Fuzz is a PCB from PedalPCB that is a clone of the Earth Quaker Devices Life pedal, with some mods. Originally designed as a sort of signature pedal for the Band Sunn o))). What does it sound like? This thing sounds lightly. It has a distortion, boost, and a switchable octave.…

  • 22/7 on OSH Park

    22/7 on OSH Park

    Built and test this second version of the 22/7 by RunOffGroove.com. Sounds good. This is a great alternative for Big Muff fans. The OSHPark project is public and verified. 22/7 is a Big Muff built around CMOS inverters in place of the transistors used in the traditional BMP circuit. The CMOS inverters have a tube…

  • ICBM (op-amp Big Muff Clone)

    ICBM (op-amp Big Muff Clone)

    Here’s a purple sparkle op-amp Big Muff Clone. This fine specimen is for sale on my Reverb shop. If you’re in familiar, the Big Muff circuit is built around 4 transistors for all of the different versions except for one version made in 1978. This version has am similar but unique sound and was built…

  • Haunting Mids Fuzz (clone)

    Haunting Mids Fuzz (clone)

    This Haunting Mids clone is on sale on my Reverb shop. If you haven’t heard of Haunting Mids, this is not a clone of the JHS Pedal with the same name, it’s DIY community variant of the Big Muff. It has a great sound and stands on it’s own in the field of BMP clones.…

  • Traded this Algal Bloom clone (Fuzzhugger)

    Traded this Algal Bloom clone (Fuzzhugger)

    This was an Algal Bloom clone by Fuzzhugger. I traded this on r/letstradepedals. This pedal hits a great heavy fuzz without the dissonant overtones.

  • Doom Bloom (Fuzzhugger clone)

    Doom Bloom (Fuzzhugger clone)

    Built with PedalPCB.com PCB good range of heavy overdrive through distortion and fuzz tones. I built three of these and put this on my Reverb Shop.

  • Vulcan v1.1

    Vulcan pcb built up. This is version 2.

  • Milling a PCB

    effectpedal: Making PCBs on the Othermill. Designed in Eagle. I played with the trace size. The default traces in the bantamtools DRC is really small. The 8mil traces are easily damaged.

  • Pile of PCBs

    Building some ugly faces