Tag: Ugly Face

  • Deformis: Ugly Face with Mix mod

    Deformis: Ugly Face with Mix mod

    This is my take on Tim Escobedo’s Ugly Face. I replaced the LM386 with a dual op-amp and and added a mix control. The LM386 is a great chip but its gain is limited to 200. A single op-amp can easily generate a gain of 200 and more! This way I can replace the 386…

  • Deformis – Ugly Face with a mix control

    Deformis – Ugly Face with a mix control

    Here is an updated post with a schematic and parts for the Deformis. This started as Tim Escobedo’s Ugly Face. I made a few changes. I swapped the LM386 with a dual op-amp. The 386 was used in the Ugly Face as an amplifier with a gain of 200, a single op-amp can easily replace…

  • Super Frequency

    Super Frequency

    This is my spin on Tim Escobedo’s Ugly Face. The original is a great DIY project anyone that hasn’t built it should give it a try. Super fun, unique sound, parts are easy to get, and it’s not a difficult built. This version makes a few changes to the original. The original uses an LM386…

  • Ugly Face Build

    Ugly Face Build

    The Ugly Face is a classic DIY Stompbox build. Almost a rite of passage! The circuit, by Time Escobedo, has been around since late 2002! Here is my schematic. Schematic Parts List Part Number Value R1 1M (Tayda, Stompboxparts) R2 470 (Tayda, Stompboxparts) R3 100K (Tayda, Stompboxparts) R4 22k (Tayda, Stompboxparts) R5 1k (Tayda, Stompboxparts)…

  • Ugly Face with Mix

    Ugly Face with Mix

    I’m a big fan of the Tim Escobedo’s Ugly Face. This is a super fun project, sort of a. right of passage for DIY pedal makers. The sound is unique. The best way to describe it is as a square wave oscillator that hard syncs to the guitar signal. Since the output is either on…

  • Deformis update

    Deformis update

    I worked on Deformis, see my earlier post for details and schematic. In a nutshell Deformis is my version of Tim Escobedo’s Ugly Face in a wah shell with the pedal controlling the frequency sweep. In the first pass I got everything working but, it wasn’t working well. The biggest problem was the pedal action…

  • Ugly Face Circles

    Ugly Face Circles

    I made a few small updates to Ugly Face PCB. I needed to do a build to make sure that everything is working as it should. I ordered these boards from PCBWay.com. The service is a very reasonably priced which makes them great for prototyping. I soldered up the board. This time I used a…

  • Deformis


    Deformis is my take on Tim Escobedo’s Ugly Face. I put this in a wah shell with the pedal controlling the frequency. The envelope was removed, and I’ve added a mix control. Design Here’s a schematic I came up with With some help from the friendly people over at DIYStompboxes.com. I wanted to add a…

  • Ugly Face black with dots

    Ugly Face black with dots

    I did another Ugly Face. This time on a black gloss enclosure with milled dot pattern. Milling this design took over an hour. These enclosures are not flat on top! Some of the dots on the upper right did not get milled. I had to pull those out of the original SVG image, make a…

  • Ugly Face blue

    Ugly Face blue

    A blue Ugly Face. I used PCBs from PCBWay.com and put everything into a blue powder-coated enclosure from Tayda. I wanted to put some blue knobs on this enclosure but didn’t have any on hand. I didn’t want to place an order for four knobs. Looking through my parts bin, I found these pink aluminum…

  • Shameless Plug…

    Shameless Plug…

    I entered my PCB design in the PCBWay design contest vote for me! https://www.pcbway.com/project/shareproject/Super_Frequency_Harmonic_Square_wave_distortion_1.html This is a PCB for Tim Escobedo’s Ugly Face. Anyone that hasn’t built one of these you should try it. You won’t play it on every song but you when you do people will notice! Here’s a picture of the board…

  • Ugly Face PCB on PCBWay

    Ugly Face PCB on PCBWay

    I designed this PCB for Tim Escobedo’s Ugly Face and had it manufactured at PCBWay. I used Eagle PCB to design the board. The process was not hard with a little research. I started by finding the PCBWay Eagle DRU file. This tells design rules that PCBWay will accept. This includes the minimum trace size…