Tag: Ugly Face
Super Frequency
I made some ugly face PCBs back in 2009 and had a couple left over. I built this up when I first got the mill. The Ugly Face is a DIY classic invented byTim Escobedo way back in the early mid 2000s if I recall. It’s a unique circuit with a surprising sound if you…
Ugly Face Build
build your own Ugly Face! Ugly Face is a racus squarewave guitar synth oscillator disguised as a fuzz pedal. Originally created by Tim Escobedo on his Circuit Snippets web page, it’s become a DIY classic. The ideas here are great and inventive there are a lot of building blocks. Out of all of these the…
Super Frequency
The most fun DIY build you can make! This is my version of the Ugly Face Tim Escobedo. Great box with a unique sound . Not your typical fuzz or distortion box. Build your own from my OSH Park PCB project or buy one of my builds from Reverb.
Ugly Face on OSH Park
Just published the Ugly Face v 1.1 to OSH Park. Built and tested, it works well! This is classic DIY project, it’s almost a rite of passage for new DIY stomp box enthusiasts. The Ugly Face is more of a synthesizer than fuzz pedal. It produces square output from the input guitar signal. You can…
Pile of PCBs
Building some ugly faces
New work in progress
A nice opamp big muff PCB Mad bean Shark Fin. Based on the maestro filter sample and hold. I’m obsessed with this circuit, I’ve built several versions of it and own some boutique iterations. Ooh look an ugly face, this is another effect that had become a minor obsession. I’ve built more than a few…
Ugly Face – old build
I lost a lot of these pictures from my blog. So i thought I would repost them again for fun.
Building an Ugly Face
I built an Ugly Face last week and took some pictures. This uses the Ugly face PCB I made and the typical DIY stompbox parts. I used the alpha 12mm pots in a B sized box. The more common 16mm pots would also work.
Ugly Face in neon tufts
Here’s an Ugly Face in a neon tufted fur.
Ugly Face
Here’s a picture of an Ugly Face I made recently. For the graphics on this I used PnP. Not sure how this is going to work out. This is second effect I did with this method. This one came out better than the fist. ‘
Fretboard Journal
One of the Ugly Face’s that I built got a mention in the Fretboard Journal. No picture though. Which is too bad. They took a picture of a bunch of other more common name brand things. Really Tim Escobedo should have gotten a mention. The people writing these articles need to educate themselves on the…