The Ugly Face is a classic DIY Stompbox build. Almost a rite of passage! The circuit, by Time Escobedo, has been around since late 2002!
Here is my schematic.

Parts List
Part Number | Value |
R1 | 1M (Tayda, Stompboxparts) |
R2 | 470 (Tayda, Stompboxparts) |
R3 | 100K (Tayda, Stompboxparts) |
R4 | 22k (Tayda, Stompboxparts) |
R5 | 1k (Tayda, Stompboxparts) |
R6 | 1k (Tayda, Stompboxparts) |
D1 | 1N5817 (Tayda, StompboxParts) |
D2 | LED (Tayda, StompboxParts) |
555 [2] | 7555 (Tayda, StomboxParts) |
LM386 [3] | LM386 (Tayda, StompboxParts) |
Socket x2 | DIP 8 (Tayda, StompboxParts) |
C1 | 22µ (Tayda, Stompboxparts, any value 22µ to 100µ) |
C2 | 1n (Tayda, StompboxParts) |
C3 | 100n (Tayda, Stomboxparts) |
C4 | 2µ2 (Tayda, Stompboxparts) |
C5 | 100µ (Tayda, Stompboxparts) |
C6 | 100n (Tayda, Stomboxparts) |
C7 | 100n (Tayda, Stomboxparts) |
VACT_1 [1] | LED/LDR (Tayda, Stompboxparts) |
ENVELOPE | B1K 16mm (Tayda, StompboxParts) |
FREQUENCY | C100K 16mm (Tayda, StompboxParts, B or C works here) |
THRESHOLD | B10K 16mm (Tayda, StompboxParts) |
VOLUME | A100K 16mm (Tayda, StompboxParts) |
- [1] You can use any LED and LDR here. The packaged types are more expensive but convenient. You can use a discreet LED and LDR pair. You might experiment with a few of these. This part is creates for the envelope sweep you will hear the effect of these parts when you turn the Envelope up.
- [2] You should be able to use almost any 555 chip. Preferable is the NE555 or 7555.
- [3] There are several versions of this chip: JRC386D, LM386N-3, LM386N-4 any version should work.
I made a couple versions of this board. I had these manufactured at Their prototyping service is very reasonably priced and makes it easy to prototype a project on a professional quality PCB.
Here are some pictures of Ugly Face builds that I made.

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